Inspired by the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we develop our education for sustainability that is structured around three main themes, namely combating climate change, conservation of natural resources and betterment of society. The aims are to develop students’ positive values and attitudes, and to empower them to make informed decisions, change their behaviour and take responsible action for sustainable development.
The education for sustainability is implemented through learning and teaching of various subjects in different forms and providing other learning experiences offered by our school and external organizations. Here you will find more detailed information about how we implement education for sustainable development in the following three ways.

School-based education for sustainable development activities
Every year, we organize a variety of life-wide learning activities for students and encourage them to contribute to the achievement of the following eight SDGs.
External sustainable development activities
1. Regular programmes
(a) Since the year 2005-06, our school has taken part in the Student Environmental Protection Ambassador (SEPA) Scheme organized by the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), Environment and Ecology Bureau (EEB) and Education Bureau (EDB). Every year, most SEPAs receive formal basic environmental badge training in the form of seminars, shoreline cleanup and field trips offered by ECC. Some SEPAs with basic environmental badges receive Specific Environmental Badge training in the form of seminars, field trips and community services/activities under the annual theme. After receiving training, they help to promote sustainable lifestyles and take a leadership role in the organization of environmental activities for sustainable development.
(b) Since the year 2020-21, our SEPAs have joined the Green Prefect Programme organized by ECC, EEB and EDB. As green prefects, they have to monitor the green habits in different classes and suggest how to improve the environment for sustainability.
(c) Since the year 2017-18, our school has participated in the external BioBlitz programmes, e.g. ‘Hong Kong Inter-school City Nature Challenge’. As citizen scientists, students have to find and log as many species as possible using the iNaturalist app. In these programmes, they have appreciated the rich biodiversity and learnt to care for living organisms.
2. Cross-border educational tours
(a) The mainland exchange programmes are arranged for junior form and senior form students to understand the sustainable development of China and increase their sense of national identity.
(b) Since 2015, students have taken part in the Caretakers of the Environment International (CEI) Conference in which they are required to join seminars, workshops and visits, present their environmental research projects and participate in cultural exchange activities with the
participants from many other countries.
Period | Location of the conference |
28 Jun – 4 Jul 2015 | Oeiras, Portugal |
27 Jun – 2 Jul 2016 | Aalborg, Denmark |
30 Jun – 6 Jul 2017 | Oregon, USA |
30 Jun – 7 Jul 2019 | Istanbul, Turkey |
3. Ad hoc programmes and competitions
An environmental corner has been set up in the eClass and on Facebook to centralise information about external sustainability-related activities, from which students are allowed to choose.
Some students are active in joining various interactive programmes and competitions, e.g. ‘Take Action! Youth Biodiversity Conservation Leadership Training Scheme 2021’ organized by the University of Hong Kong and ‘Innovators.Social Innovation Journey’ organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. These can help students keep abreast of the latest sustainable development issues and encourage them to think of sustainable and innovative solutions to resolve environmental problems. Students usually perform well and receive awards.